

Yesterday, June 08, 2020, the Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights published in the Official Gazette of the Union a series of ordinances annulling previous ordinances declaring political amnesty. The important thing to understand this situation is to answer the question: is Ordinance 1.104/GM3/1964 an act of exception or not? What is Ordinance 1.104/64? It is basically the restriction for...

Opinion for the STF

We were invited to prepare an opinion for the Suspension of Injunction No. 1326 of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), a consequence of the People’s Action filed before the 5th Federal Court of Rio Grande do Norte, proposed by Federal Deputy Natália Bastos Bonavides, seeking the withdrawal from the Ministry of Defense website of a note commemorating March 31. We have drafted the opinion in a...

There was a state of exception in Brazil

Until recently there was no doubt about the state of exception that began in 1964 in Brazil. But various voices of authority have begun to relativize or even deny the very harmful and long-lasting dictatorship through which we have passed. There are even some who have returned to using the expression “revolution” to say that there was no coup d’état in 1964. To refute any of...

First meeting of the Research Group 2019

Our Research Group will resume activities in 2019, next April 5th, at 7pm at the Law School (UnB). We will make the planning of the year

First meeting of the Research Group 2019

Our Research Group will resume activities in 2019, next April 5th, at 7pm at the Law School (UnB). We will make the planning of the year

Next Research Group meeting (June)

The next meeting of our Research Group will be on June 29th, from 7pm, in room A1-05 of the Law School of UnB. On the agenda, forwarding publications, news and the presentation of Working Group (WG) 6 of our research project.All people interested in discussing this topic are welcome!!!

A new attempt to try the torturers of the Brazilian dictatorship

Raquel Dodge asks STF to reopen Rubens Paiva case and pushes for Brazil to follow courtInter-American. Prosecutors in four states have so far filed 32 criminal complaints about crimes during the regime At the age of 25, Aylton Adalberto Mortati was a prime target for repression during the Brazilian dictatorship. He had been arrested after a student congress in 1968 and the following year...

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