The book “Justiça de Transição: Apontamentos” was launched on 05/03/2018 at the Joaquim Nabuco Auditorium of the Law School of the UnB.The organizer of the book and coordinator of the Transitional Justice Research Group, Dr. Eneá de Stutz e Almeida, delivered the opening lecture with a comprehensive overview of Transitional Justice. Then, each one of the co-authors exposed his...
Confirmed Release of the Book Justiça de Transição: Apontamentos
We reaffirm the launch of our book Justiça de Transição no Brasil – apontamentos on May 3, next Thursday, from 19h, at the Faculty of Law at UnB. We expect the event to take place in the Joaquim Nabuco auditorium, in the same Faculty. However, in the event that the strike movement is still ongoing, considering that we support it, we will hold the debate on the publication in the gardens of...
Launch of the book Justiça de Transição no Brasil: Apontamentos
On 05/03/2018, at 7pm, at the Joaquim Nabuco Auditorium (UnB Law School) the book Justiça de Transição no Brasil: Apontamentos will be launched.At the event, the Authors will discuss the chapters that make up the book.The book, which was organized by Professor Eneá de Stutz e Almeida, is the result of the work of the Transitional Justice in Brazil Research Group of the UnB Postgraduate Program...