This article is a didactic essay on the relationship between human rights and transitional justice in Brazil.
Linha 18 – Artigo ENBaixar
This article is a didactic essay on the relationship between human rights and transitional justice in Brazil.
Linha 18 – Artigo ENBaixar
The book “Justiça de Transição: Apontamentos” was launched on 05/03/2018 at the Joaquim Nabuco Auditorium of the Law School of the UnB.The organizer of the book and coordinator of the Transitional Justice Research Group, Dr. Eneá de Stutz e Almeida, delivered the opening lecture with a comprehensive overview of Transitional Justice. Then, each one of the co-authors exposed his...
We reaffirm the launch of our book Justiça de Transição no Brasil – apontamentos on May 3, next Thursday, from 19h, at the Faculty of Law at UnB. We expect the event to take place in the Joaquim Nabuco auditorium, in the same Faculty. However, in the event that the strike movement is still ongoing, considering that we support it, we will hold the debate on the publication in the gardens of...
On 05/03/2018, at 7pm, at the Joaquim Nabuco Auditorium (UnB Law School) the book Justiça de Transição no Brasil: Apontamentos will be launched.At the event, the Authors will discuss the chapters that make up the book.The book, which was organized by Professor Eneá de Stutz e Almeida, is the result of the work of the Transitional Justice in Brazil Research Group of the UnB Postgraduate Program...
Collective work organized by Eneá de Stutz e Almeida deals with the four pillars of Transitional Justice.The book is the result of the Research Group of Transitional Justice in Brazil of the Postgraduate Program in Law at the University of Brasilia (UnB) and can be purchased at the Editora CRV website. SynopsisIn the late 1980s, Brazil began the transition from a State of Exception to a...
Raquel Dodge asks STF to reopen Rubens Paiva case and pushes for Brazil to follow courtInter-American. Prosecutors in four states have so far filed 32 criminal complaints about crimes during the regime At the age of 25, Aylton Adalberto Mortati was a prime target for repression during the Brazilian dictatorship. He had been arrested after a student congress in 1968 and the following year...
Article authored by Eneá de Stutz e Almeida; and Camila Gomes de Lima Published in: Access to Justice II [Electronic resource online] organization CONPEDI/UnB/UCB/IDP/UDF; Coordinators: Adriana Goulart de Sena Orsini, José Querino Tavares Neto, Mateus Eduardo Siqueira Nunes Bertoncini – Florianópolis: CONPEDI, 2016 Abstract: Reparation is considered the structural axis of the Brazilian...
Published in: Justiça de transição: direito à justiça, à memória e à verdade / Giuseppe Tosi [et al.], (Organizers).- João Pessoa: Editora da UFPB, 2014. Introduction: It is important to clarify the methodological premises of the construction of the hypothesis of the possibility of immediate prosecution of non-public agents in the Brazilian case. The first premise is that transitional justice is...
Article authored by Eneá De Stutz e Almeida; and Lahis Da Silva RosaPublication in the Journal Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais. CONPEDI 2017. Abstract: This article seeks to study how the lack of reform of institutions, within the Brazilian transitional justice system, is responsible for the lack of effectiveness of fundamental rights, especially those that should be defended by the trade union...
Article by Eneá de Stutz e Almeida; and Marcelo D. TorellyPublished in the Electronic Journal of the Law School Graduate Program in Criminal Sciences – Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS. Abstract: This preliminary study seeks to investigate the historical formation of the concept of transitional justice and its normative implications as a means to assess its...